
10 factors for choosing the best floor for housing – important tips

10 factors for choosing the best floor for housing – important tips

When you want to buy or rent an apartment in a residential building, the most important question you will face is what is the best floor for housing?, and to answer this question, you must be aware of some factors that determine the best floor for housing.

It is known that the residential buildings are divided into :

1. Basement floors
2. Middle floors
3. Upper floors

Factors that help you to determine the best floor “floor” for housing and living

1. Price

It is known that apartments on the ground floor and the last floor are cheaper than the rest of the apartments in the building. If you are willing to live in an apartment on the ground floor and bear its defects, which are mostly noise, inconvenience, lack of privacy, lack of view, insects, dust, humidity and other defects, you will save some money. .

And if you are willing to live in an apartment on the last floor and bear its defects, which are often high temperature in the summer, water leakage from the ceiling in the winter, climbing stairs in the absence of an electric elevator, and climbing stairs in the case of an electric elevator. But it has crashes and other defects, you will save some money

2. Nuisance and noise

If you are a fan of calm, you should stay away from the floors near the street, the higher you go from the street, the less noise and disturbance.

3. Privacy and solitude

The most floor where you will feel that you have a lot of privacy and isolation when living in it is the last floor, especially if the floor is at a higher level than the level of all the neighbors “not injured”.

And if the ground floor has a private entrance and a private garden separate from the residents of the building, you will feel privacy and isolation, and if the building is in a quiet neighborhood or in a “compound” residential complex, you will feel calm and there will be no disturbance when living on the ground floor.

4. Easy entry and exit

The lower floors are characterized by ease of entry and exit from the building, unlike those who live in the upper floors. Those who live on the ground floor do not need to climb the stairs. Therefore, the elderly and those with a physical disability, their first choice is the ground floor and the floors close to the ground floor.

As for those who live on the last floor and the floors close to it, they will suffer from climbing stairs in the absence of an electric elevator, or if there is an electric elevator, but it has broken down.

5. View of the building

Those who live in the lower floors, especially the ground floor, do not enjoy a view of the building, unlike those who live in the upper floors, especially the last floor.

6. Security

Security is very important, especially for the residents of the ground floor. It is well known that the residents of the ground floor and the floor close to the ground floor are at greater risk of theft than the residents of the upper floors. Therefore, those who live on the ground floor must make sure that there is iron on the windows and the presence of surveillance cameras.

And whether you live on the ground floor or the upper floor, it is important to choose a building that has a security guard available 24 hours and has surveillance cameras.

7. Phobias “fear”

If you suffer from fear of heights or fear of closed places, then apartments on the upper floors do not suit you, and you should choose apartments on the lower floors, especially the ground floor.

10. Costs

It is known that living on the upper floors comes with additional costs. For example, the costs of transporting furniture and building materials to the upper floors are higher than the transportation costs for the ground floor and floors close to it. In the event that you buy an apartment in the last floor that does not have water or heat insulation, you will incur repair costs. The ceiling when water leaks and the electricity bill rises due to your excessive consumption of air conditioning.

8. Lighting and ventilation

Apartments on the ground floor and nearby floors have relatively limited lighting and ventilation compared to the upper apartments. Not only that, the upper floors do not face the problem of insects such as ants and cockroaches as well.

9. Children and family considerations

We have explained in this article that the elderly and those with a physical disability prefer the ground floor, and there are also many families who prefer to live on the ground floor because of their fear of children from heights and because they want to be able to enter and exit the building quickly due to the presence of children with them.

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