
What is the job of an international lawyer?

There is no specific job or specific form for those who are called international lawyers. There are many types and meanings that call themselves this title. But let me separate a grou

There is no specific job or specific form for those who are called international lawyers. There are many types and meanings that call themselves this title. But let me separate a group of them for you and explain to you one of them:

State lawyers in international courts

This type is very specialized and their number is very few. They represent countries in international disputes. For example, the Egyptian-Israeli dispute over Taba, which ended in international arbitration. Each side was represented by a group of international lawyers with extensive knowledge of international laws and international treaties that govern the subject.

Lawyer for international disputes for companies and governments

Their number is higher than the first type, and they represent companies and countries in investment disputes between them. An example of this type is the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes, which is a center for settling investment disputes, which is part of the World Bank. Some of the parties to the conflicts are states, while others are foreign companies and investors. There are many examples, for example, the International Sports Court, and there are more examples related to companies, such as resolving disputes related to contracts between companies, the London Court of International Arbitration or the International Chamber of Commerce and other international arbitration centers that adjudicate disputes between companies. Most likely, international lawyers represent companies before these bodies

Cross-border corporate lawyer

These lawyers work for companies that have cross-border interests and contracts. For example, companies such as Shell, Chevron, Vodafone, General Electric, and others have subsidiaries in different countries in the world. They also have contracts under various and different laws, and it is possible that the terms of an international treaty or the conditions of a country’s law may apply to them. Lawyers work to represent the interests of companies when more than one state law applies, for example. There are corporate lawyers who specialize in taxes, so they choose the best laws and places for the company in terms of tax treatment.

There are more types and the use of the word is common and undocumented. For example, you find one of the lawyers working in an international company who calls himself an international lawyer, although each currency is related to only one country. There is no specific standard for this description.

What book will help me become a good lawyer?

Law does not depend on one or two books to become a good lawyer. The best way to acquire legal expertise is to read the explanations of civil, penal and commercial (laws) and the principles of civil and penal trials, and you will automatically find yourself with a high degree of knowledge.

Why don’t we trust some lawyers?
A lawyer is supposed to be honest and very cooperative with his client. And to make the precious and precious, for the victory of justice first and foremost. And to be chaste. He does not care about the temptations that the opponent may offer him. In exchange for buying it, and buying it for – money –

The lawyer in general is the conscience of the nation, and its strong guard. Who guards to protect justice, no matter how great sacrifices it may cost him. And the official spokesperson for legitimate rights. Unfortunately, there are currently groups and groups of lawyers who can sell their souls and principles for a few dinars – with ease. And they find it normal, not a bad thing. And for this reason, justice must relentlessly fight against the class of these corrupt people, and strike with an iron fist everyone who asks himself for it. To fish in murky waters. And teach them lessons to rehabilitate the legal profession. And the sake of an honorable and sublime profession.

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