
Fear of bankruptcy is increasing. How has the policy of restricting the Internet affected Iranian telecom companies?

Fear of bankruptcy is increasing. How has the policy of restricting the Internet affected Iranian telecom companies?

Tehran – Despite the success of the protests that started more than 3 months ago in shrinking the scope, official statistics show serious repercussions of the policy of restricting the internet as some of the Iranian telecommunications companies are on the verge of bankruptcy.

“Aftab Economic” published a report titled “Main Victims of Internet Restriction”, highlighting the repercussions of the restriction policy implemented to suppress protests in Iran, stressing that the blocking of WhatsApp and Instagram platforms caused heavy losses in Iran. Until now, telecommunications companies fear they will go bankrupt if they continue to cut this service.

This newspaper revealed that companies operating mobile phone and internet services in Iran have sent official letters to the Communications and Broadcasting Regulatory Authority complaining about the decrease in their revenues as a result of the policy of restricting the internet in recent months.

Iran has blocked foreign communication platforms and imposed restrictions on its global information network, following protests that broke out in mid-September following the arrest of young woman Mahsa Amini, 22, by the morality police under the pretext of being arrested. for not being able to wear proper clothes.

the ghost of bankruptcy

One month after the internet was curtailed, Mobin Net for Internet Services sent a letter to the Communications and Broadcasting Regulatory Commission confirming that their monthly losses were equivalent to 100 billion rials, or more than 250 thousand dollars (dollar = 400 thousand rials). explains that its returns are down 25% from the previous month, as data traffic decreased from mid-September to the middle of the next month.

In the continuation of the demand for compensation from the relevant parties for the losses of Iranian telecom companies caused by the internet shutdown, Shuttle Internet Services announced that it lost approximately 40% of its revenues due to the increase in its fixed costs in the light of the increasing events. inflation in the country

In its message, which spread to Iranian communication platforms, Shuttle revealed that its network bandwidth has been reduced by more than 60 percent, urging officials to “think unacceptable solutions” to put an end to the crisis and reduce losses. still.”

According to the newspaper, the communication company “Retel” is on the verge of bankruptcy due to restrictions on Iranian users’ access to foreign communication platforms and other websites. Since its launch, its daily revenue has dropped by nearly 14 billion riyals ($35,000).

communications giant

In his article addressed to the Ministry of Retail, Communication and Information Technologies, he stated that the internet sector constitutes 86 percent of its revenues, and the loss in the first 21 days of the restrictions on the global internet is 750 thousand dollars.

The telecommunications giant and main operator of mobile phones, “Hamra Ol”, declined to release data on its losses due to the internet restriction, but some reports point to a $1.5 billion drop in revenues in the first month of the protests. Over $18.5 million by October 23…

Iran’s second-largest mobile operator, Ir犀利士
ancell, sent two letters to the Communications and Broadcasting Regulatory Authority, demanding compensation of $20 million in local currency for the damage it suffered until the end of last October. The result of the shutdown of the Internet.

In its second message, Irancell warned that it should not continue to implement its internet restriction policy, which it described as a major obstacle to its continued operation, and emphasized that it urgently needs help to continue its operations and reduce the losses it has suffered so far.

The report “Economic Aftaab” noted that those most affected by the policy of restricting the Internet and blocking foreign communication platforms are forced to sell Internet packages for surfing internal websites at half of similar tariffs, as well as mobile operators.

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