
Types of lawsuits

Types of lawsuits

When talking about information about lawsuits, it is necessary to state the types of lawsuits in general. It is necessary to return to the main classifications of law in most countries of the world, which are as follows:

Criminal lawsuits
Civil lawsuits
Administrative lawsuits.
Commercial suits.
International lawsuits.
Each type of lawsuit has many details and different conditions for the possibility of filing a lawsuit or not, in addition to the procedures for filing a lawsuit and other characteristics of the lawsuit.

What is a criminal case

One of the types of lawsuits is the penal lawsuit, which allows society to hold perpetrators accountable for crimes that are among the risks that disturb the security and safety of society and the state.

A criminal case begins with filing a case according to the conditions and rules specified by the law in order to reach the truth and achieve justice.

The criminal case includes two rights, the first is a personal right for the victim or the plaintiff, and the second right is the public right, which is for the state and is represented by the Public Prosecutor in the capacity of the plaintiff.

What is a civil lawsuit

The civil lawsuit is the one filed by the plaintiff due to material or moral harm caused to him by a natural or legal person who may be the state in some cases.

The aggrieved party has the right to file a lawsuit demanding the restoration of his property or rights, or to claim compensation for the failure and damage he suffered.

Civil lawsuits have many types and must be filed before the competent civil courts.

However, the lawsuit can be joined to the criminal courts if there is a connection between the two subjects of the lawsuit.

Among the examples of civil lawsuits are real estate property lawsuits, intellectual property lawsuits, and others.

What is an administrative lawsuit

Administrative lawsuits are filed before the competent administrative courts and are subject to administrative disputes between an administrative authority and individuals or private bodies.

In most cases, the subjects of the lawsuits include claims to cancel decisions under the pretext that they violate the law, or a claim for compensation as a result of decisions that affected the plaintiff’s rights, or the termination of contracts concluded between individuals and departments.

Examples of administrative lawsuits are those related to pensions, promotion, unfair disciplinary penalties, decisions to dismiss without the right from service, and others.

What is a business case?

In order to take note of information about the lawsuit, it is necessary to talk about the subject of commercial lawsuits, which are those disputes that occur between businessmen and merchants, and the subject of which is disagreement over commercial deals and so on.

The commercial lawsuit includes many options available to the parties to the lawsuit, such as resorting to urgent justice.

There is also what is known as commercial arbitration, which the two parties to the case agree to follow, and it decides commercial cases at a faster time in line with the interests of the two parties.

What is an international lawsuit

The subjects of international lawsuits vary, but the most prominent types are war crimes, genocide, crimes against humanity, crimes of aggression, and others.

The International Criminal Court is competent to consider these cases after a request from the Security Council of states or one of the state parties.

Conditions for filing a lawsuit

Among the information about the lawsuit is the knowledge of the lawsuit and its conditions: In most laws, two qualities must be available to the plaintiff in order for him to file a lawsuit demanding the imposition of a penalty, compensation, restoration of a right, or otherwise.

These two conditions are as follows:

The capacity must be realized in the person of the plaintiff, that is, the lawsuit must have been filed in his name or in the name of a person who is his guardian or representative of a legal person.

In general, a third party cannot file a lawsuit in the name of a person even if that person has the right to file a lawsuit.

It means the benefit behind filing a lawsuit or the need for judicial protection in the event of an assault on the plaintiff or if he is threatened with an assault against him or if he has a right to demand his recovery.

Two conditions must be met in order for the interest to be fulfilled, and they are as follows:

That the interest in filing a lawsuit be legal and legitimate.

That the interest be positive and of special importance to the plaintiff away from arbitrary use of the right, and this is all the information about the lawsuit..

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