
Job search skills

Job search skills

Job search skills

1. Building professional relationships (Networking Skills)

The most important job search skill is building a strong network of connections in the field of work. This is the truth that many beginners and recent graduates do not know.

The most reliable way for companies to hire is referral, whereby the company’s management asks current employees to nominate some of their acquaintances to apply for available opportunities.

For this reason, the skill of building relationships is an essential thing that you should take care of at the beginning of your practical journey and even during your studies.

In order to do so, you must:

a) Building good relationships with your older college classmates, communicating with them frequently, and consulting them. This makes you benefit from their experience, and at the same time they may help you get a job after graduation.

b) Subscribe to Facebook groups for professionals in your field.

c) Strengthen your network of relationships on LinkedIn by following influencers in your field, and interacting on their posts, because in the comments you will find a large group of professionals in your field with whom you can build a relationship.

d) Maintain a good relationship with your professors at the university, especially those who are familiar with the labor market.

e) Follow the most important exhibitions, forums and various gatherings in your field so that you attend them constantly, as they represent a great opportunity to build a strong network of relationships in your field.

f) Be sure to attend the various scientific courses that are constantly held in universities and large institutions (American University – Russian Cultural Center), because you will find many workers in your field there.

2. Building an active social presence on social media.

One of the most important job search skills is to have active accounts on the main social networking sites in your field, such as:

You must have a professional profile, because it will be an important tool for you in obtaining employment opportunities in your field.

3. Time Management

The skill of time management and increasing productivity is one of the forgotten skills when it comes to searching for a new job, although it is very important.

This skill will not only make you search for a job in an effective way, but it will also help you to pass the personal interview, as well as to carry out your work tasks successfully.

That is why I advise you to review the “How to manage time step by step” guide, in which you will find practical strategies that will help you develop this skill.

4. Flexibility

One of the most important job search skills is flexibility in its various forms:

Mental flexibility: setting goals and expectations flexibly so as not to collide with reality and feel frustrated.
Flexibility in choice: not being attached to a specific job title, specific job tasks, or a specific sector of companies.
Flexibility in personal dealings: A flexible person improves negotiation and discussion with others, does not reach dead ends, and always searches for a way out.

5. Communication Skills

Communication skills are one of the most important soft skills that employers look for in new employees.

These skills will be very useful when searching for a job, especially when it comes to networking and building your personal network.

6. Marketing Skills

The most overlooked skill when looking for a job is marketing. If you think I wrote it wrong, I want you to think more deeply.

When you apply for a job, you are exposing yourself to the employer; Market yourself and your skills and demonstrate your ability to solve problems faced by the employer.

For this reason, you should:

a) Think as the employer thinks, look carefully for the problems, challenges and skills that the employer is looking for in every job you find.

Put yourself in his shoes and think about his style, and try to show how much you can help him overcome these problems.

b) Display your skills appropriately in your personal accounts and on your resume, so that it is clear to the employer that you can help them.

c) Think about the most important questions that the employer will ask you in the personal interview and how to answer them, as well as the questions that you will ask him to show him your understanding of the nature of the work and its challenges and how you will overcome them.

7. Prepare well for interviews

No matter how important and necessary job search skills are to search and discover different opportunities in your field, they will never be the same as interview skills.

Interview is the separator between you and the job, so you have to prepare for it well.

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