
What is the effect of smartphones on the human brain?

What is the effect of smartphones on the human brain?

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that you are currently 85% likely to be reading this on a smartphone, and that’s the lightest thing you’ll do with your phone during the day. extending for a long time, perhaps all day. Most of us put the phone next to us before we go to sleep. Because it is the last thing he has left and it is also the main alarm tool. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the present and the smartphone are part of modern man, as if they were prosthetic devices.

But this proximity brings with it some important questions. We are not talking about a piece of metal here, but a device that sends and receives signals at different frequencies. These signals pass through your brain thousands of times and more. less than seconds Abnormality in medical problems? Are our smartphones really the cause of cancer?

electromagnetic spectrum

This is an important question for a number of reasons, the first of which is the widespread belief that cell phones do indeed cause cancer in the long run, but before we get into the details, let’s introduce you to what the electromagnetic spectrum is (1), it’s all the radiation that exists in the universe and is always with you. passes. In fact, you are experiencing it right now, every moment, because the visible light range is a tiny fraction of all electromagnetic radiation.

But there are other bands that you can’t see, but they still interact all the time with your body. Electromagnetic radiation travels in waves and they are similar to sea waves in approximation, and the longer the waves (wider), the lower the radiation frequency (the number of waves you are exposed to per second) and conversely, keeping in mind that frequency is the main criterion for the amount of energy you are exposed to, the higher the Frequency, the greater the amount of energy and herein lies the danger.

This is an important question for a number of reasons, the first of which is the widespread belief that cell phones do indeed cause cancer in the long run, but before we get into the details, let’s introduce you to what the electromagnetic spectrum is (1), it’s all the radiation that exists in the universe and is always with you. passes. In fact, you are experiencing it right now, every moment, because the visible light range is a tiny fraction of all electromagnetic radiation.

But there are other bands that you can’t see, but they still interact all the time with your body. Electromagnetic radiation travels in waves and they are similar to sea waves in approximation, and the longer the waves (wider), the lower the radiation frequency (the number of waves you are exposed to per second) and conversely, keeping in mind that frequency is the main criterion for the amount of energy you are exposed to, the higher the Frequency, the greater the amount of energy and herein lies the danger.

The good news is that the largest studies in this range show no association between cell phone use and cancer. For example, an “intercom experiment” (5) was conducted on mobile phone users in 13 countries, and the study looked for four types of tumors in tissues that absorb most of the radio frequency energy emitted from mobile phones: brain tumors (glioma and meningioma) and acoustic nerve (schwannoma) and parotid gland tumors. In the study, people were divided into two groups, the first without cancer and the second with cancer, to find that there was no clear statistical relationship between cancer risk and cancer risk, and they were asked about cell phone usage rates. cell phone use for up to ten years.

As for the “Danish experiment” (6), it was conducted on more than 1,400,000 people, asked about their smartphone usage rate, and then followed for 18 years. In the latest update of the study, no correlation was found between cell phone usage rates and the incidence of central nervous system cancers such as glioma and meningioma. ten and thirteen-year periods.

The “Million Women Experiment” (7), which tested 1 out of every 4 British women, including 800,000 women, in the first phase from 1999 to 2005, focused specifically on women. and then completed the million in 2009. In the study, I was asked about the proportion of women using smartphones, then followed for 7-10 years. increased rates of mobile phones and brain cancer from normal rates in known references.

But with the emergence of each new generation of communications networks comes a new wave of fearful health claims, beginning with people saying that people have never been exposed to this type of radiation before and that scientists have yet to prove this new network is safe for humans. and that the World Health Organization once announced that radiation from it “can be cancerous.

To examine these claims, let’s highlight the microwaves emitted by various types of mobile networks. These waves are part of the electromagnetic spectrum (note the attached design) and are natural signals.

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